Hello Cosmos!

Falcon Wallet
2 min readJun 2, 2022


The internet of blockchains deserves the best wallet experience in crypto. The Cosmos ecosystem houses an array of application-specific zones that are interoperable and cater to a wide variety of users. Falcon wallet has officially announced its move into the Cosmos ecosystem to join a community of talented developers and enthusiastic blockchain users. We are excited to join the Cosmonauts on this journey.

The Cosmos ecosystem is full of potential and opportunity with 45+ active zones, 250+ apps and services, and more than 3M+ transfers logged. Cosmos is a vibrant and community-driven ecosystem with developers and contributors across the globe. The ecosystem has a strong ethos of collaboration as seen with IBC — enabling different blockchains to talk to each other and transfer tokens and data.

The Cosmos Hub was the first to bring interoperability into cryptocurrency. Cosmos is building a network where every blockchain is connected to another. Blockchain scalability correlates directly to interoperability, thus Cosmos is a great platform to scale mass adoption of web3.

The Falcon team shares this ethos of collaboration and we are excited to build a wallet that is compatible across Cosmos. We are a passionate team of engineers, growth leaders, and product designers that is building a sleek, smooth, and secure crypto wallet experience to welcome the masses onto the Cosmos ecosystem.

Our vision is to onboard the next wave of users into crypto by allowing them to seamlessly interact with Cosmos and benefit from the technological innovation that the ecosystem is enabling for the world.

We are excited to share Falcon with you and grow the Cosmos ecosystem together.

